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Bowerman Track Club Elite Men

The Bowerman TC Elite Program is a Portland, OR group of post-collegiate runners looking to compete on a national level. Bowerman TC Elite athletes compete in a wide range of events, including track and road races from 1500m to the marathon. As a non-professional group, athletes are not provided any individual sponsorship.

Contact Info

For more information about the Bowerman Track Club Men's Elite Program, contact Elliott Heath.

Men’s 2021 Roster

Peter Birney

Peter Bromka

Alex Cameron

Jared Carson

Ryan Cox

Tyler Dudley

Zachary Dulabon

Jeramy Elkaim

Jeremy Freed

Elliott Heath

Julian Heninger

Duncan Hoge

Kallin Khan

Eric Laurel

Chris Maxwell

Liam Meirow

Tyler Morse

Chris Platano

Patrick Reaves

Patrick Richie

Joshua Sanchez

John Talik

Jordan Welling

Chris Yates

Elite Men's Events