
Dear Mom…

Emily Infeld

Dear Mom,

I am so lucky to have been raised but such a strong woman. You have led my words and examples .You have always made me feel like I can do anything and that no goal was too big for me. While you were there to catch me if I fell, you let me go after my goals full force and make my own mistakes along the way. Whenever I hit a rough patch - in school, training, life - you’ve always reminded me to keep going. You’ve encouraged me that I can get through any challenge and at the same time offered support if I decide to change my direction.

I am so grateful for your courage in all you have done. Your determination is something I have learned to emulate and one of your best qualities. You wanted to get a pool built in our neighborhood and you did it. You wanted to be Mayor of our town and you did it. You wanted to turn a vacant lot into a park and you did it. You never listened to people along the way who told you no. You were both very thoughtful in your decisions and motivated to do what you needed to accomplish your goal. That being said you have always taught me to act with kindness and grace. There is a way to accomplish your goals without putting others down or bulldozing past those around you. In trying to build the park in our town you fought hard for those who questioned your decision. After it was built, many of those same people tried to take credit for this park. Instead of publicly bashing them or calling out the hypocrites you responded with kindness. I know it bothered you but you chose to instead focus on achieving that goal. I love coming home and walking with you through that park and seeing all the joy it brings to our community. You have taught me to act with grace and not spite or revenge.

 I am not as outspoken or loud as either of my sisters and you let me know that’s okay. That I am who I am and that I can accomplish my goals in my own way. You have always been proud of me no matter what I do. I am so proud of you mom and I love you so much. I hope I can be as happy, driven, kind, and caring as you are! Thank you for being you!
